Smart CITY Project

project overview

A smart city's main goal is to use smart technologies and data analysis to optimize city functions and promote economic growth while also improving citizens' quality of life. The value of technology is determined by how it is applied rather than how much technology is available. While the precise definition varies, a smart city's primary goal is to use smart technology and data analysis to optimize local operations, spur economic growth, and enhance residents' quality of life. The internet of things (IoT) gadgets, software programs, user interfaces (UI), and communication networks are all utilized by smart cities. They do, however, heavily rely on the IoT. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected items that can exchange data and communicate, including cars, sensors, and home appliances. The cloud or servers are used to store the data that IoT sensors and devices collect and deliver. The interconnection of these devices and the use of data analytics enable the convergence of the physical and digital city components, enhancing the effectiveness of the public and commercial sectors, generating economic gains, and enhancing the lives of citizens.

project Objective

This project aims to visualize the the city of Toronto in a 3D environment using open source technology.


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